Masquerade Ball
A final reminder that the annual Masquerade Ball takes place at the Boathouse this Saturday night, October 30th. Entry is payable at the door, provided fancy dress is worn, and is at the remarkably good value of €10 per person. All funds raised go towards the cost of the umbrella insurance which so many clubs and events have benefited from over the past year, so we hope to have a good turnout for the night and we are sure there will be plenty of crack, as in previous years. Doors open at 9.30 or thereabouts. This week’s two pictures show some of the revellers from last year, who will undoubtedly be on the prowl this weekend!
There has been much coverage in the media over the last year about the huge increase in the number of people growing their vegetables in either their own gardens or in a nearby allotment. For those of us who are used to growing their own vegetables, the satisfaction of picking them straight from the garden and savouring the delicious flavours when you eat them, make gardening one of the most pleasurable of hobbies.
There is now the possibility of a suitable plot of ground being available in Cappoquin for allotments. If you would like to grow your own vegetables but have no place or have too small an existing plot, this is a great chance to get started. If you are interested in an allotment in Cappoquin, please contact Cindy 086–0586608 at Civic Link or Joe at 058–54045.
Inch Meeting
A good, productive meeting was held last week to discuss the possibilities of enhancing the Inch at the Blackwater bend, if and when the opportunity arises to do so. No firm decisions were arrived at but lots of good ideas were aired and the group in attendance hopes to be able to examine similar projects elsewhere in the coming weeks and move things forward in consultation with the County Council, the Parks and Wildlife Service and, most importantly, with the local community.
Town Twinning
Keith has just received word that the Comité du Jumelage at Chanat La Mouteyre has extended an invitation to Cappoquin to send half a dozen or so representatives to Chanat the weekend before St. Patrick’s Day 2011. With flights at incredibly good value at present, and the warmth of the French welcome absolutely guaranteed, as always, this is a great opportunity for anyone interested in discovering the real France, with its magnificent scenery, cuisine and hospitality, and represent Cappoquin into the bargain. For those who haven’t yet been, we can heartily recommend it, not least because of how marvellously the people of Chanat have taken Cappoquin to their hearts over the past ten years, most recently during the Cornerstone Carnival when the tenth anniversary of the twinning was commemorated at the Square in a lovely ceremony. For anyone interested, contact Keith at 087-9054068 or Kevin from Civic Link at 087-6501042 for details.
End of UN exhibition
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